The State of Being

As walking by, I take a look
on snow which earth so frozen took.
It blows my mind to eye I bring
the fact is what I see is spring.

Not yet to come, not on its way,
not colourful to suit the day,
what I see is the melting snow
and earth's desire now to grow.


  1. State of Being...interesting title. And oh yes, I can relate to this...the frozen earth, the melting snow. The very good news, sunny side up, of these late and seemingly interminably forever cold days is that ultimately, spring shall win and the earth shall have flowers burst forth.
    Glad you posted to the prompt, but not sure to which image in the prompt you are writing about?

  2. Earth's desire to grow! Love it! Desire is sometimes all we see!

  3. First the snow has to melt... spring comes in tiny steps.

  4. NaTuRE iNspiRes
    DreAms oF
    Do coMe ReaL
    FoR SuNSHiNE LiVeS WiTHiN..:)

  5. It wasn't long ago and all was winter.

  6. 'and earth's desire now to grow' is a lovely line! Well done!


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